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Friday, May 11, 2012

Get WiFi where you want, where you want

Editor's note: I wrote about this mobile hotspot service in issue 532 of the newsletter. I have posted what I wrote below for those of you who missed it before. But because there was some confusion about what the service does and how it does it, I recorded the seven minute video. I hope, along with what I wrote, that the video helps explains how this all works better.

By Chuck Woodbury
I would like to tell you about one of the absolutely coolest services for RVers to come along in a long time -- one that allows you to get 3G WiFi access nearly everywhere. It uses a device similar to a traditional air card, but there is no contract or recurring monthly fee. For the record, when I heard about this I convinced the company to let me introduce and promote it to the RV community. We subsequently agreed that would get a small commission for our efforts. I want to be upfront with you about this in case you question I'm touting this just to make a buck. Truth be told, I think this is one of the best things to come along for RVers in a long time.

The Stick. Cost about $45
The way the program works is you pay about $45 upfront for an aircard stick for one user (at a time) or about $85 for a mobile hotspot where up to five users can get online at once with a secure, password protected connection. These are one time fees. After that, you pay for how much bandwidth you need and only when you need it -- similar to a prepaid cell phone where you're charged only for actual phone calls. There is no recurring monthly fee. The system works on PCs, Macs and mobile devices. Nothing needs to be installed.

Mobile Hotspot. Cost about $85
So, if you're heading out on a two month trip, buy some bandwidth when you leave and you'll be set. Get online at 3G speeds at rest areas, campgrounds without WiFi (or bad WiFi), Wal-mart parking lots -- even while rolling down the road (as long as Sprint wireless service is available). If you use up your bandwidth, recharge for as little as $10. The huge advantage to this over traditional plans is that you are not stuck with a payment every month for the life of a contract.

Fulltimers, who need year-round Internet access, are better off with a traditional plan like a Verizon MiFi card, which offers more affordable bandwidth when used regularly year round. But for part-time travelers or light users (of all kinds, not just RVers), this is a far better and more affordable choice. You can learn more at We have even negotiated a special discount for you.


  1. I ordered the stick, I have not entered the sofware yet as we won't leave till the end of June. My question is, if I load the sofware now is it ok not to order the megabits right before we leave for our trip?

  2. I got Virgin Mobile Wireless Network Router MiFi 2200last month in preparation for our vacation. There was a problem setting things up, but ones I turned off 'our' WiFi, setup completed OK over the MiFi. I hope I have good coverage along the I15 on the way to Alberta.

  3. will this work in Canada???? If so I am reallllly interested.

  4. Part of video is not quite true. You can put the Verizon mifi on vacation for 3 months at a time for $5 or $10 and can renew your service vacation as often as you like. Also, $45 per month for 1G is ridiculous. For $50 per month you get 5G from Verizon.

  5. Ordered the mobile hotspot card. Worked several hours trying to set it up. Kept asking tech questions I had no idea the answer to. Also would time me out and drop me off. Need better set up wizard. Sent it back. Any users having problems on setup?
