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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Using Picasa’s Search to Find your Pictures

by Chris Guld, www.GeeksonTour.TV

If you have thousands of pictures of your travels, you need some way to find them.  I look to Google for all my search needs, so what better place than Google’s photo software, Picasa, to turn to for searching my pictures? 

One of the reasons I use captions on all my good pictures is so I can find them even years later.  I keep most of my 40,000+ pictures on an external hard drive, but they all show up in Picasa’s Library so I can view any digital picture I’ve ever taken as long as I can find it!

Let’s say I want to see a picture of that cool Stonehenge place we visited in Washington State.  I just type Stonehenge into the search box, next to the magnifying glass in the upper right corner.  Picasa will instantly match whatever you type by looking at captions, folder names and descriptions, file names, tags, people, albums, and more.  Since I entered captions on all the good pictures of Stonehenge, my search will produce results.  Notice that it even finds that we were there 2 times, once in 2004 and again in 2010.  I didn’t have to know that, it found all pictures with the word Stonehenge in the filename or caption.



Back to View All

When Picasa finds matches, it filters the pictures in the library to just those that match. It will appear that all your other pictures are gone. Let’s say that, in my thousands of photos, I have a few hundred with the word ‘beach’ somewhere identifying them. If I search for ‘beach’ my library view will now consist of the few hundred beach pictures. It will look like I have no pictures except those of beaches. You need to click the ‘Back to View All’ in order to see your complete library again.

Other Searches

Captions and filenames aren’t the only thing that can be found with search.  Picasa will also search for your word in the Folder name where a picture lives, or any album that includes the photo, or tags or even the camera name that took the picture.

Dates: you can enter a year, e.g. 2007 in the search field and your results will include all pictures taken in that year.  You can narrow your search by adding multiple words.  If you add a month, e.g. 2007 August – your search will be limited accordingly.  Just realize that this will also find pictures from 2007 with the word ‘August’ in the caption even if it wasn’t taken in August.  There is no way to limit searches to any one source – Picasa searches everything: Filenames, Captions, Tags, Folder or album names, Camera maker, and Dates.

Colors: If you’re looking for that perfect picture to match your yellow walls, you can enter Color: yellow in the search field to see all picture with that color!

Just remember to click that all important Back to View All button!

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