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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Send Internet content and more to your traveling device

As e-tablets and i-Pads become more and more a part of everyday life, it seems like those neat little apps that make them so useful just keep busting out. Here's one we're going to give a try – Send to Kindle.

We find plenty of stuff we wish we had time to read, but when sitting in front of the computer, we just don't always have the time. Now at the push of a button, you can send whatever content you've found on the web off to your portable device, and read it at your leisure, without having to be connected to the Internet. Think, you could spot this blog (or any of the others in our family of blog posts for RVers) right to your "reader," and then catch up with it when sitting out in the recliner in your RV – out in the middle of nowhere.

Don't let the name, "Send to Kindle," send you running. Any device that will run the Kindle app, which includes android devices, BlackBerry, iOS or Windows smartphone, tablet or computer is a suitable recipient for your "Send to Kindle" files. You chose the appropriate Send to Kindle software based on your Internet browser. Choose Google Chrome of Mozilla Firefox.

You can also send other documents from your computer, not generated from the Internet. There's Send to Kindle for PC and a version for Mac users.

Check for more information on Amazon at this location.

1 comment:

  1. Just got a new Kindle and hubbie put "Send to Kindle" on the laptop so we can read interesting articles when we have more time while RVing.
