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Monday, September 23, 2013

Concept trailer gives aps a workout

European "caravan" or travel trailer manufacturers have seen a decline in sales of late. Enter Knaus Tabber, a builder with a futuristic eyeball. The German company rolled out a new concept caravan with some technology that makes the current generation of RVs look terribly prehistoric.

Perhaps what makes Knaus Tabber's concept so techno-heavy is its use of apps. Smartphone apps  control the rig's height above the ground – at a command you can lower the trailer down nearly to ground level to make egress a snap for nearly anyone. Not enough light from outside? An app controls that too: The rear door glass can be adjusted to admit more or less light at your command. Or turn the glass into a screen for the rig's digital projector system. Security an issue? A single punch up will secure all doors and access points.

As you look over a few pictures you'll probably understand why Kanus Tabber says it doesn't expect Caravisio to be more than a concept – for now, anyway. But it should give U.S. RV builders a little food for thought.

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