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Monday, May 5, 2014

NPR hounds -- this app makes finding the network easy

npr station finder
We confess. We're National Public Radio junkies. To us, there's just so much more depth to the news on NPR, compared to the "sound bites" in the short bursts of news carried on commercial stations. And besides, without NPR, where could you find Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, or get that rib-jabbing nonsense of "Wait! Wait! Don't tell me!"

The trouble is, if you spend a lot of time on the road, you can never be sure just where on the radio dial you'll find an NPR affiliated station. Ah, but with an Android device, you can locate that NPR station of choice, quickly, easily, and (our favorite) for free.

NPR Station Finder is one of those little-known gems that once installed on your device and fired up, utilizes your GPS function to spot where you are. The app display then gives you a run-down of stations likely found in your listening range and sorts them by signal strength and distance, giving you station call information, dial setting (for both AM and FM stations), and a handy pointer to tell you where they are relative to your location. Guess that's a great addition if you want to drop in shake the station manager's hand.

For us, the little app proves to be a great asset. If it's the last day of everybody else's workweek, you know what that means. Fire up the app, it's time for Sci-Friday! Follow this link to get your own.

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