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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Let Alfred Watch Your House

While not exactly a “travel” app, if you have a house that will be empty when you’re traveling, you’ll like Alfred!
Alfred is a free app and the only hardware it needs is an old smartphone or tablet that you’re not using anymore. Your house will also need a good, always on, Internet connection with WiFi. It started as an Android only App but recently released an iOS version. The Android version has a few more features, but both work.
  1. Using an old phone or tablet, connect to WiFi and download the Alfred App from the play store. Install Alfred and log in using your Google account.
  2. Set that phone in a location where it has a good view of what you want to watch, plug it into power and turn on the Alfred app. This is your Camera – just leave it on, using Alfred, all the time.
  3. With your current Android phone, install Alfred and log in to your google account so you can view what the Webcam is seeing – this phone is your Viewer.
That’s it! And it’s Free! Alfred also handles sound, it could be a baby monitor where you hear the baby crying, or you could shout at burglars! Note: the iPhone camera does not support 2-way talk. It also has motion detection and can send a notification to your phone when something is happening.
This article is by Chris Guld, of To learn more about this and many other programs of use to travelers, visit her website and consider becoming a member in order to view all the tutorial videos.

##RVT750, WP


  1. Really cool idea! Now I know what to do with my old working smart phone. Thanks Chris and Jim

  2. Great idea I've got the old pcs to do this. Thanks
