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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Keep your laptop secure

Laptop computers are some of the best friends an RVer can have. We have more or less instant communication with friends via e-mail; access to our bank accounts and bill paying services; and a host of information about whatever we might need in our lives as travelers.
But laptops, and other computes, are certainly an attraction to thieves. Here are some tips to help keep your computing experience happy and safe.

Keep Your Data Safe: If you keep sensitive information on your laptop, make sure if your computer falls into the wrong hands, at least the information is secure. If you have Windows XP Professional, you already have a way of encrypting your data to make it impossible to read without the encryption code. Or get data encryption software and use it–you can “Google” for more information on this kind of software. When using public WIFI networks, many experts recommend you don’t transmit any sensitive data (including credit numbers or bank account information) but if you must, BE SURE the little “lock” symbol shows on your web browser, and that the URL (address) of the web site begins with https (for “secured”).

Put a Strong Password on Your Laptop: Don’t use your name, your kid’s name, dog’s name, etc., as a password. Repeated numbers or letters are a sure-enough “breakable” password. Some folks use a phrase they can remember, like “My dog has fleas,” and string it together without spaces: Mydoghasfleas is the resulting password. Using symbols (%@&!) in your password makes it much tougher to break. And of course, the longer the better. Afraid you’ll forget it? Then write it down on paper–just keep the paper safe.

Backup Your System: Lost or stolen, your data’s no good if you don’t have it. Use a data backup system–the Windows XP operating system has one. Back up frequently, and back up to something OTHER than your computer. Data files might be backed up to a small “thumb drive,” or the whole hard drive to a back up system–find them at Costco or Sam’s Club inexpensively. And keep that backup drive safe too. A lost thumb drive with unencrypted information could be an identity thief’s dream.

Guard Your Laptop: Don’t leave your laptop in the toad car or the RV in plain sight. Hide it in the trunk, stick it in a closet. If you travel on a plane with your laptop, don’t put it in the overhead storage compartment, keep it with you at your seat–right in front of you.


  1. Lock your laptop with a cable connected to a slot on the side of all laptops.

  2. You can also use a program like Carbonite to backup your data when you are connected to the Internet...then if you do find the laptop gone you can recover all your data.

  3. To the tow comments listed, Yes you can use a cable lock but there are not that many locations in a RV to use them, as for carbonite it is great but it also COSTS you every month, if you have a PC or mac you back up to the cloud for FREE, and since laptops for the most part do not have big drives you should be able to have it all on your account that is also safe online,so you can have it either from your laptop or phone.
