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Monday, August 13, 2012

If You Travel and Don’t Blog About it, Did it Ever Really Happen?

I Love travel blogs!  Want to know what it’s really like to RV in Alaska?  Check out Gundyville’s Blog or Dennis and Carol’s Blog.   How about staying in an RV in Mexico for months, even years?  Just take a look at George and Tioga’s Blog.  Do you keep a blog (an online journal) as you travel?  If so, you might be listed in along with nearly 200 others.  If you want to learn all about life as a non-retired fulltime RVer, and get a laugh in the process, then follow the daily blog of Nick Russell and the Gypsy Journal.


Our Blog is Our Memory

We’ve been fulltime RVers since 2003, and I simply cannot imagine being without our blog!  So many times we have a question like “Where did we spend our anniversary in 2004?” or “I want to see the pictures from our day on Mackinac Island”  or “How many Presidential Libraries have we visited?”   blogarchiveAll these questions can be so easily answered by our blog.

  • Where did we spend our anniversary in 2004?  This is the easiest question to answer with a blog because every entry is automatically archived by date, so as long as I know that our anniversary is in July, I can view the Blog Archive (see the image at right), expand 2004 then expand July and I can see the entry I wrote about our anniversary.
  • I want to see the pictures from our day on Mackinac Island.  To handle that, I use the Search feature and typed in “Mackinac.” It searches every word of all 1,500 posts and, in a fraction of a second, it comes up with a link to the post I wrote on that day.  Blogger is Google after all – search is their thing!
  • How many Presidential Libraries have we visited?  Presidential Libraries are on our List!  We wanted to visit them all and I believe we have.  How can I prove it?  With the Blog of course.  Each time we visit a Presidential Library I write a post about it and attach a Label for Presidential Library.  So now, I can view the list of all my Labels, click on Presidential Library and instantly see all the blog posts over the years where we’ve visited Presidential Libraries.

Holes in the Blog

We are now in our 10th year of Fulltime RVing and I’m getting a bit lazy with the Blog.  I never have been one to write every day, but we’ve been so busy this summer that whole weeks have gone by without a post!  Facebook is another culprit – because it’s so quick and easy to post a picture, or a few words – I do that, and neglect adding anything to the Blog.  I like Facebook a lot, but the Blog is our foundation.  If it’s not in the Blog, I’m likely to forget it ever happened! 

Do you Have a Blog?

We give seminars at RV Rallies entitled “Every RVer Needs a Blog.”  We really believe that!  So many people would love to live the RV Lifestyle, we think it’s downright stingy not to share it.  But,even if you don’t  share it, having a blog is the easiest way to keep your own journal with text and pictures that you can reference anytime.  You can even make it into a coffee table book to enjoy without a computer!  If you want to learn how to make a blog, you will find tutorial videos at

What about you?  Do you have a Blog?  Or do you just use Facebook, or photo albums?  If you have a blog you’d like to share, leave the address in a comment here.


This tip brought to you by Geeks on Tour

Geeks on Tour is a membership website with hundreds of Tutorial Videos on topics of interest to travelers, such as using smartphones, managing digital photos with Picasa, Route-Planning with Streets and Trips, and sharing your travels with a website using Blogger. You can subscribe to our free enewsletter, or become a paid member and be able to view all of the videos in the Learning Library.


  1. I've been blogging for quite some time - but only when we are on the road. Before the blog I did the same thing but through emails. Of course - those years of emails have been lost which won't happen with the blog.

  2. Great comments and we couldn't agree more - We enjoy doing our blog and as you mention serves as our digital scrapbook.

    Question: How do you get listed on Hitchitch?

    Our blog is at
