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Monday, March 17, 2014

New social media site caters to RVers

If Facebook isn't enough for you, now a more specialized Internet social media site has rolled out: RVillage. Designed for RVers to keep in touch with one another, the site is currently in what it proudly describes as Beta mode.

The site's premise is to make a simple, free tool for RVers to connect, both via the Internet, and even in shared RV parks. When a user checks into a location in RVillage, they can discover the things that they have in common with other RVers right around them.

According to a news release from RVillage, “This sure beats leaving connections up to chance encounters while walking the cat, or the random stranger coming up asking ‘what type of engine is in that thing?’ while you are busy dumping the tanks,” said Cherie Ve Ard, one of the launch specialists affiliated with the site. “With RVillage, an RV park full of strangers becomes a village full of friends.”

There are still rough edges to smooth out, plenty of big and little bugs to squash, and a lot of potential that is still evolving as developers work out the implementation details, she explained.

“No one has ever created a site and community quite like RVillage before – and we have decided to invite the public in before the site is perfect,” added Chris Dunphy, another member of the launch team. “Our intention is to turn ‘beta’ into a badge of honor, indicating that we are being developed out in the open taking community feedback to heart”

Details that the site's builders hope will make the new meeting place attractive include the ability to create public and private groups based on interests; a central map that shows where group members are currently located; and mapping tools that make it easier to plan future meet-ups on the road.

Check out more at

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